Sunday, 7 June 2009

There will be three more projects from my second year at Brighton following shortly. Feel free to click on the images for a closer look.
Based on the idea's developed in Plato's symposium. I re-appropriated the seven Greek intelects used in Plato's symposium, asigning them a new specialist subject within the field of seaweed. The Classical Greek imagery echos the theme. A hand drawn crest adorns the front page as if it were the branding for the symposium and gives importance to the individual speakers.
This is perhaps one of my favourite projects of the year. The brief was to design a book cover, of specified dimensions based on the titles that had previously won Penguin's distinctively odd book prize. I chose: 'Highlights In The History Of Concrete', as I have an interest in Industry and materials. I visited a Concrete Plant to take photographs and from there I developed my design. I vacuum formed a thin disk shape that I wanted to pour concrete into and inlay into the book. However due to the nature of concrete getting the mixture right was a challenge and involved many visits to local builders of Brighton. Who gave me advice and different mixtures to try out. Cracking was unavoidable with such a material and so I photogaphed the disk rather than inlaying it into the book. This better embrased the characteristics of concrete and looked a lot better.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Coming soon: All of my work from my second year at Brighton is to be posted by the 14th of June, so keep your eyes peeled.